Chibi Totoro. About name, age and height.

“Chibi Totoro” is a mysterious creature that appears in the movie “My Neighbor Totoro”.


The mysterious creature “Chibitotoro” is very popular.


Let’s take a closer look at “Chibi Totoro”.


About the type of “totoro”



There are three types of “Totoro”.


Let’s take a look at each “Totoro”.


Small Totoro(小トトロ)







“Small Totoro” whose whole body is pure white.


When “Mei-chan” chased, she made her body translucent and ran away.



Chu Totoro(中トトロ)







The body is a little larger than the “Small Totoro”, the whole body is blue, and the pattern is the same as the “Big Totoro”.


“Chu Totoro” acts as “Small Totoro” while carrying a bag full of nuts.



Big Totoro(大トトロ)







“Big Totoro” is the owner of a huge body and is said to be the “lord of the forest”.


“Big Totoro” is sleeping under a large camphor tree.



About Totoro’s name







By default, each had a name.


The name of each Totoro is,



Big Totoro = “Miminzuku”


Chu Totoro = “Zuku”


Small Totoro = “Min”


It was changed to be called “Totoro” in the process of making the movie.



About Totoro’s age







Let’s take a look at the age of each Totoro.



Big Totoro = “1302 years old”


Chu Totoro = “679 years old”


Small Totoro = “109 years old”



All of Totoro have lived for quite some time.


“Totoro” who has lived in the forest for 1302 must be the “lord of the forest”.



About Totoro’s height







Let’s look at the height of each Totoro.



Big Totoro = “2 meters”


Chu Totoro = “About 1 meter”


Small Totoro = “About 50 cm”



The heights of “Chu Totoro” and “Small Totoro” have not been officially announced.
